Are you the kind of person who goes bowling at every opportunity you get? My guess is you've had a lot of bowling games to play; you've been there, done that. My guess is also that the monotony of the game is beginning to set in, and you probably find that the game is just not challenging enough anymore. As they say, variety is the spice of life. Even if it is a game, playing it on a regular basis without anything new to look forward to, can get boring, and also have you lose interest in it. So try these variations in your regular bowling game, and have a new set of fun bowling games to play.
The normal bowling technique is passé. Here is a template that has different moves, which can be introduced to make a difficult game more challenging.
Bowl with the hand other than the one you normally use. If you are left-handed use your right hand to bowl and vice-versa.
Stand with your back towards the bowling alley and bowl backwards.
Instead of the usual sprinting and bowling, try hopping and bowling.
Sit in a cross-legged position, or squat on the floor and bowl.
Create a human bowling alley by having your team mates stand one behind the other with their legs apart. Bowl through their legs.
Have a list of things that have to be achieved by every team that is playing, each of which can be struck off once achieved. For instance:
A team has to hit only two, or five, or eight bowling pins.
A team may have to hit only the foremost bowling pin.
A team has to clear a split.
A team has to knock over only an odd or even number of pins. A team has to strike at least once.
To top it all, a team also must have at least one gutter.