When it comes to competitive play in any youth sport, everyone wants to be sure that the competition is playing by the rules. This is especially true when it comes to the eligibility of a player on another team whether it’s the player’s size, age, or jurisdiction. This is where photo ID cards come in as an excellent way to assist in regulating these factors.

Using photo identification cards and an online tracking system for players and coaches allows all of the documentation required for a player to only be checked once. Presently many organizations manage their paperwork for each player several times a year to verify eligibility. And most players participate in a sport for several years during their childhood. Anytime a player advances in a championship event, as well as invitational events, people want to be sure the other coach is playing by the rules so paperwork has to be verified at each event. And then the question still remains, did the coach have documentation for one player and bring another?

By implementing a registration solution, an organization can eliminate most of the paperwork review when it comes to eligibility. A good registration system tracks the player from the day they first enter the program until the day the participant graduates from the organization. Upon the participant’s initial registration, the paperwork can be provided and recorded and then tracked by the system from that point forward. But couldn’t a coach bring the wrong documentation to the first registration? Of course he can, but someone will catch the player sooner or later and then the system can be corrected. Our company has produced millions of ID cards and it’s a rare case that someone has provided the wrong documentation intentionally. Face it; the manager is the one being tracked on the system at the time of registration!