There are four types called as the jab, cross, hook and uppercut. If the boxer is right-handed, the left hand is the lead hand and the right hand is the rear hand. The positions are reversed for a left-handed boxer.

Jab is a quick, straight punch done with the lead hand from the guard position. There is a small, clockwise rotation of the torso and hips. The fist rotates 90 degrees and becomes horizontal after impact. When the punch reaches full extension, the lead shoulder is brought upwards to guard the chin. The rear hand is placed nearby the face to protect the jaw. This is the most vital punch for a boxer as it has a good amount of cover and leaves minimum space for a counterpunch from the opponent.

Cross is a powerful, straight punch done with the rear hand. Starting from the guard position, the rear hand is thrown from the chin. It crosses the body and travels towards the target in a straight line. The rear shoulder is moved forward. It's finishing position is just outside the chin. Simultaneously, the lead hand is retracted and placed across the face to protect the inside of the chin. The torso and hips are rotated counter-clockwise as the cross is executed.

Hook is a semi-circular punch done with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. Starting from the guard's position, the torso and hips and rotated clockwise. The fist is propelled through a tight, clockwise arc across the front of the body and connects with the target. Simultaneously, the lead foot pivots clockwise and the left heel turns outwards.

Uppercut is a vertical, rising punch done with the rear hand. Starting from the guard's position, the torso shifts slightly to the right and the rear hand drops below the level of the opponent's chest. There must be a slight bend in the knees. Further, the rear hand is thrust upwards in a rising arc towards the opponent's chin or torso. Simultaneously, the knees push upwards fast and the torso and hips rotate anti-clockwise. The rear heel turns outward and imitates the body movement of the cross.