If you are struggling to crack this score, which is a major achievement in every golfers career, I will show you how to "think outside the box" on the golf course to achieve your goal in no time at all...

The success of your game is determined as much by how you "think" on a golf course as it is on how well you swing a golf club.

Unfortunately, many golfers spend all their time trying to perfect their swing technique and very little time on "thinking" about what it is they are trying to accomplish on the course.

This is not a criticism, it is simply an observation...

Most of the material and instruction that golfers receive is all related to improving swing technique....very little is written about golf strategy. So it is no wonder they do not actively develop this side of their game.

Yet, the techniques I will show you in this course will immediately reduce your scores by 3-5 strokes a round or more if you are shooting in the 90's. If you are shooting in the 100's you will reduce your scores by 4-6 strokes a round....and this is without making any significant swing changes.

Golf is a game of numbers and once I show you the figures you need to achieve to break 90, you will be amazed at how simple the task at hand is...

The problem that most high handicap golfers have is that they step onto the golf course with a "fixed mindset" on how they are expected to play their round...and that expectation places enormous "mental pressure" on their swing which ultimately shows up as inconsistency in their swing.

Inconsistency is what destroys score cards....not the inability to hit 230 yard drives.

I am going to show you how to change that mind set and develop a plan of play that "matches your skills" to the task at hand to optimize your scoring opportunities ....

Ineffective Practice Technique

The other problem that almost all golfers face that limits their ability to lower their score, is not having the time to practice.

"Sure I could break 90 if I was able to practice and play more often"...

If you stop and think about all the different skills and shots you need to develop from tee to green and then try and relate that back to the time you have to put into your game to perfect those skills you will be amazed....it's no wonder pros spend 8-10hrs a day perfecting their games.

The reality is that you simply do not have that time to put into your game....you may be lucky at being able to hit a bucket of ball once a week, never mind spend hours a day practicing!

Yet, let me make another observation on how many golfers practice, which again I do not mean to sound critical...

Most golfers "waste" their limited practice time on ineffective practice technique and on the wrong skill sets....take a moment to watch people practicing the next time you go to the range to see what I am taking about.

I guarantee you will observe the following scenario with at least 50% of the people hitting balls on the range...

They take a bucket of balls, spend the first 15 balls on a 7 iron and then spend the remainder of the bucket on a 3 wood or driver trying to bash balls beyond the 200 yard marker....this may make them feel good, but it has very little impact on improving their swing or their scoring ability.

Whether they realize this or not, the primary motivation that drives golfers to spend most of their practice time on the range with the woods is a need for "distance"....because that is what they have been lead to believe is the solution to lower scoring..

Before you can begin to make improvements to your score and benefit from your practice sessions, you need to make a mental shift away from this powerful urge towards one of "swing consistency"...and I will show you how you can do that.