(1) swimming, we must pay attention to safety. Persons suffering from infectious diseases or open wounds, are not to participate in swimming, women's menstrual period should not generally swim.

(2) after a meal, drink, or intense sweating after exercise when not immediately swim.

(3) should make full preparations before swimming, including free-standing exercises, imitation exercises and stretching exercises and other muscle ligament.

(4) intense swimming, it should be relaxed in the water, adjusting the water again after a good breath. However, if swimming dizziness, nausea, chills, or cramping more than other abnormal situation, the water should be timely.

(5) swimming after the shower or dry preferably in time for the body and pay attention to dress warm.

(6) When a natural swimming baths, the best company with others and pay attention to select clean water areas. Should pay attention to the depth of the water flow rate. Do not have sludge, chaos reefs, stumps, rapids, whirlpool, weeds, polluted waters and vessels and from frequent swimming.