Before I tell you more about this video course, I want to make another observation that is closely related to the time you have available to practice, and that is around your short game skills.

If you were to analyze where most of your strokes are taken during a round, you will find that they occur around the greens.

Your ability to execute a good short game requires a lot of time to practice and that is because this area of your game has so many variations and requires so many skills/techniques to perfect.

So, recognizing the fact that the vast majority of golfers have little time to practice their short game, the way to reduce these wasted strokes is to create a playing strategy that reduces the need for these skills...

I will introduce you to a powerful playing strategy using a "single skill set", perfected by all top level players, that will reduce the wasted short game strokes around the green and give you more par opportunities than you have ever had before....